
What is Domination? Workshop


3 May 2013
Leslie Stephen Room
Trinity Hall, Cambridge

Morning session: Domination and Unfreedom

Chair: Hallvard Lillehammer

10.20 – 11.40 David Blunt (Cambridge)
Conceptualizing Domination

Respondent: Amanda Cawston

11.40 – 1.00 Laura Valentini (UCL)
Freedom as Independence

Respondent: Neal Carrier

Afternoon session: Domination and Inequality

Chair: Chris Thompson

2 – 3.20 Stuart White (Oxford)
The Relevance of Republicanisms

Respondent: Claire Benn

3.20 – 4.40 Nicholas Vrousalis (Cambridge)
What domination is (and what it is not)

Respondent: Sebastian Nye